Zenon Croes


Zenon Croes, director and owner of Clear Kayak Aruba was raised in a small town called Pos Chikito ‘Small Well’. Zenon grew up playing and swimming in the nearby areas of Rooi Lamoenchi and Mangel Halto.

Zenon has always been a fervent soccer player and nature lover. Together with his dad and brother he managed a soccer team for years with passion.

After the birth of his second child Zenon moved with his wife to the fisherman town Savaneta, decided to buy a couple of kayaks and started Clear Kayak Aruba.

Zenon is an X-Ray Lab Technician by trade but his passion and heart are in nature and kayaking. He is proud of the work he does in health care being able to help people, but when you talk to Zenon he will always tell you, “I was born to Kayak, but forced to work.”

When Zenon started the company, he wanted to create an experience that was more then just another water sport adventure. He wants to give a prime experience but also aims to create awareness for nature preservation and Eco Tourism.

If you ask Zenon he would say: “ If you leave the tour knowing the importance of the Mangroves for our eco system and maybe just a little of the Aruban culture, then the tour was a success!”

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